CoffeeTime Articles
Oh, Wow, Y’all Have Christmas!
Ever had a three-year-old appear on your front porch with dazzled little eyes in a glowing face and pipe up, “Oh, wow! Ya’ll have Christmas!” I’m sure you have, and we did, too. Our tiny grandson had come visiting us for the holiday, and he was excited. He was blown...
The Great Rescue Plan
Okay, so you are not a Miss America, hiding out in blue jeans. And you, sir, will never be the world’s next millionaire, with shoulders wide enough to make you have to slide sideways through the doorway. But you are YOU. And that, my friend, is enough to cause you to...
The Counselor Grabbed Her and Kissed Her
A troubled couple went to see a marriage counselor. After many sessions with unsuccessful attempts to get the couple to view their problems in the same way, the counselor was feeling frustrated with their stonewalling. The day came when the unhappy wife simply blurted...
Let The Kid Live
Retirement. You have now become one of the thousands in our country that is having to leave the work-force. Regulations, age, or health issues have taken their toll. But you simply aren’t ready to give up the job that has been a crucial part of your life. You are...
Is Your Bucket List Worth It?
An old man wakened to the grandfather clock in the hall chiming the hour. But when he heard 11-12-13-14 chimes, he quickly rolled over to shake his sleeping wife. Her mumbled response was, “What?” He frantically yelled, “Good grief, woman, get up! We gotta get busy,...
Constantly Reliving Pain Ain’t Worth It
Waking up that morning, Renie heard dripping outside the house. Opened the blinds of the bedroom window and saw a soggy lead-gray sky. Immediate reaction? “Oh, NO! A horrible, gray, depressing, endlessly rainy day. I’m going to sink into depression. In fact, I’m...
Coddling is a Killer
Early in our marriage, we were both employed at a large feed, seed and fertilizer company. Its walk-in store was extremely busy from local traffic in the spring, due to the seed and garden plants it carried. Andy was a salesman on the floor, while Renie worked in the...
Tex, A Born Leader
Our friend, David, is a rancher who has handled and sold thousands of cattle through the years. One particular part of the job of raising cattle is Roundup Time in the fall. All those animals have to gathered up so new babies can be branded, the unhealthy treated,...
Thanksgiving Day or Ulcer Day?
It’s coming around again. The holiday that one person can dread like the pit of hell itself, but another family member anticipates and salivates for the previous three hundred and sixty-four days before it arrives. “Food, man! Lots and lots of good stuff!” From the...
Don’t Give Your Kids a Heart-Hole
Most everyone want to see themselves as good at working, thinking, and being lovable. But, let’s face it. Some just seem born to have a greater ability to do these things. You’ve seen it. The naturally handsome, smart and talented football quarterback. Or the lady who...
Check Your Fly, Preacher!
A goodhearted momma once approached her well-known and popular pastor after he had completed a stirring message that Sunday morning. She gently introduced herself and then told him, “My son is studying to be a minister at So-and-So Seminary nearby. What is a good...
Goofing Off is a Necessary Thing
Ever got a case of the guilts for taking a few minutes to do absolutely nothing that contributes to your finances, your job, or your family – simply doing what you want because you like it? The Guilts is a pretty common reaction in our American culture that believes...
Religion Simply Does Not Work
Religion. Being good enough for God to accept us. Many do turn to religion…trying to always behave and say the perfect things. So that hopefully, their holy God will be obliged to help them handle the fears and horrible problems in life. But down deep, each of us know...
The Wedding Gift
Tom and Katie were in love. After two years of courting, Tom finally worked up his courage to pop the question. No, not the “Will you marry me?” to Katie. The real question back in those years was the one asked of the bride’s father, “Do I have your permission to ask...
Army Moving To Destroy Our Country
Can’t you just picture it in your head? Colonel Worthington Worm called his tactical team together in a planning meeting one balmy evening in Oklahoma. “Attention, Majors. We are officially at war. Our mission before us here in Oklahoma; to destroy and annihilate...