CoffeeTime Articles
From Oops to Wow!
Recently a man we know died in his nineties, after serving in the military until he retired and then had a long career as a police officer until retirement again. Jimmy covered his beat not in a patrol car or on foot, but on the back of a horse. At one point, he...
The Middle of the Wishbone
To paraphrase a comedian from years ago, “D’ya know what makes me sick?” No? Well, I can gladly tell you. And there will be no referring to the cost of eating, or heating the house, or driving across the street nowadays. Although I certainly could. The topic eating my...
Do You Dread Christmas?
Many people do. Many people find this particular holiday season to be full of heartache, or a nameless void. They can feel a myriad of unwelcome emotions that threaten to overwhelm and sink them into a black hole. Sadness, depression, loneliness, anxiety, or just the...
Is Someone Staying Miserable by Habit?
I am convinced of a truth after living all these years on this earth. Simply and baldly stated, there are some people who have bathed themselves in misery for years. And they truly do not want anyone to hand them a big thick towel to dry off. They experienced a severe...
Funny Stuff… Now
Four-year-old Barry was rambunctious and energetic. Gifted by God with charming smile, electric blue eyes and golden hair. From the moment those mesmerizing blue eyes opened, to when they reluctantly closed in sleep after he had raced headlong thru his day, Barry had...
I’m Sorry Dad, I Really Am Sorry!
Little Jimmy was one of those eight-year-boys who seem to be able to find a mud puddle in the Sahara Desert. And within seconds have his body covered with it. Sandy hair falling over mischievous bright eyes, he was an intelligent, energetic kid who had a boundless...
Thanksgiving: A Time to Save!
Everybody knows finances are tight today. Now, one can only hope against hope that by the time this column hits your hands, the sentence I just wrote is a lie. That by some miracle the ever-escalating balloon of inflation in our country has run into a sharp knife and...
Drunken Pastor Living Among Us
My husband was a pastor for many years. And as such, he has always attempted to hold his public image as close to clean and shiny as he possibly could. After all, when you are called to represent the Creator, to love and help His creations, you really don’t want to be...
Burn Barrels
Remember from your childhood all those stories about that man or woman “who lives right over there?” That person you knew from experience - yours or others - to avoid at all costs. Those stories varied from a witch, to scary dude, to mean as a junk yard dog. Yeah, me...
MIghty Thin Pancakes In This World
Ever listened to two people or two groups argue? Both opponents believe there is only one real truth – MINE!! Doesn’t matter how loudly the other side yells. Doesn’t make a difference how many facts the other side lays out and cites triumphantly. These volunteer...
When Work Becomes a Pile of Cold Ashes
Ever created your own mess, and then had to try for a couple of days to find a way out of it? Ending up stressed out, and physically exhausted. Exhaustion then causes you to be mentally hazy, so you don’t think clearly enough to be able to solve your problem. And...
Listen to the Old Gambler
A grizzled old man observed with trained eyes and alert ears as the novice young man did his best to hold his own at a table filled with experienced, skillful gamblers and crooked card sharks. Needless to say, things were going from bad to worse. At the end of the...
Scared Spitless? Join the Crowd
If there has ever been a time in my life when I feel like crawling under the bed with a blankie and lying there whimpering – it just might be now. Now, I really don’t see myself as a wimp, like a girl who has never had to face anything more unpleasant than a pimple on...
Nope, don’t get your dander up (or your hopes up, depending on what you were hoping to read.) I am not going to write about naked bodies and the image that phrase seems to conjure up to people. The focus of this column, the nakedness I am writing about? Your future....
Babies Behave Better Than Us
Two-month-old Lydia suddenly feels uncomfortable, so she begins twisting her little head back and forth, whimpering, and when that doesn’t bring her mom, she begins shifting her body around. According to her beliefs, that lady-in-waiting has only one function in life...