Life, Relationships, Faith & Family

Andy & Renie Bowman share their thoughts and wisdom from years of marriage, ministry and parenting.

Read the CoffeeTime column by Andy & Renie Bowman in dozens of Newspapers each week!

Get Your Copy of Andy and Renie’s Book!

Get your copy of Andy & Renie’s new book, Don’t Plant Peas and Expect Spaghetti: A CoffeeTime Collection, today! 

A curated compilation of their most popular columns, this book is intended to make you think, make you smile and inspire you to live your best life. 

It will make a great gift for a loved one in your life, and will also be an excellent addition to your home.


Bad Times Buddy

Jim sat down at his desk that morning only to be immediately summoned into his supervisor’s office. Where he was assured that while he had been doing good work, he was also told that due to the company’s economic struggles, he was part of the layoffs in one month....

Loving Someone No Matter What

“No Matter What” is the title of a popular song released in recent years. The lyrics talk about, “No matter whether we really try to please Him, or if we choose to throw a monstrous bomb into our life and the lives of those around us, He just loves us – no matter...

From a Worm’s Eye View

Wisdom from the lips of a wrinkled old worm. “Okay, listen up, ‘cuz I’m gonna tell ya’ perzactly what The World is like.  Most of the time it looks real dark and kind’a dry ‘n crumbly feelin’. But when I tunnel straight up for a little ways, then I see a bunch’a green...

Nobody Wants to Feel Bad Alone

​The six-year-old insisted he go with Mom to see Aunt Jeanie. Never having visited a rehab facility before, he was quite excited with the prospect of seeing ‘Aunt J’s new home.’ He had heard his mom talking on the phone about the room where his aunt played with balls...

Horse Blinders

​The funeral for Evan’s brother-in-law had concluded two hours ago. And now a small group of grieving family and friends were gathered in Evan and Shaylie’s home to share memories, laughter, tears, and encouragement.  The front door opened again. Nothing unusual about...

When “I’m Sorry” Just Doesn’t Cut It

You stepped out there and thoroughly blew it, and you knew it. All you could do was apologize. Knowing you were wrong you went ahead…you said “I’m sorry.” But the apology you have offered seems to fall way short of the mark. Somehow it just doesn’t have your intended...

CoffeeTime Articles

Read through the articles from Andy & Renie Bowman that have been syndicated weekly in newspapers across the country as the CoffeeTime column. These articles use humor, wit and wisdom to share timely insight into realtionships, personal growth, parenting and faith.

Speaking Engagements

Andy & Renie would love to speak at your church or event! Click the button below for more info or to begin the booking process.

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