Whoever Finds This, Please Love Me

Whoever Finds This, Please Love Me

Years ago, songwriter Mac Davis penned the lyrics to a song about a tiny orphan girl who evidently longed to experience being loved. In the song, “WHOEVER FINDS THIS, I LOVE YOU” she writes a note containing those words, and it into the wind. A lonely old man...
Oh, Wow, Y’all Have Christmas!

Oh, Wow, Y’all Have Christmas!

Ever had a three-year-old appear on your front porch with dazzled little eyes in a glowing face and pipe up, “Oh, wow! Ya’ll have Christmas!” I’m sure you have, and we did, too. Our tiny grandson had come visiting us for the holiday, and he was excited. He was blown...
The Great Rescue Plan

The Great Rescue Plan

Okay, so you are not a Miss America, hiding out in blue jeans. And you, sir, will never be the world’s next millionaire, with shoulders wide enough to make you have to slide sideways through the doorway. But you are YOU. And that, my friend, is enough to cause you to...
Let The Kid Live

Let The Kid Live

Retirement. You have now become one of the thousands in our country that is having to leave the work-force. Regulations, age, or health issues have taken their toll. But you simply aren’t ready to give up the job that has been a crucial part of your life. You are...

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