CoffeeTime Articles
Look at That One with the Limp and the Bandage!
We all see them, at WalMart, the workplace, or looking in the mirror. Maybe with a sling on their arm, or favoring a strained back muscle, or limping through the door on their good leg. Bar fight? Strong disagreement with their spouse? Exercise workout gone south?...
What Ever Happened to Working?
What has happened to “I gotta go to work” anyway? Seems so many so-called adults have just decided that holding a job is for the birds. You hear them whine, “Yeah, I have a job, but I don’t want to have to show up on the days I got something better to do. After all,...
Some People Just Haven’t Learned When to Let Go of The Rope
There are some who put tenacity and stubbornness ahead of intelligent action. I would bet on a 700 pound calf over a 60 pound stubborn-headed boy every time.
I Really Hate It When The Wife Gets Sick
The following is a man’s recipe for eventually learning to live all alone… Shoot, I really hate it when the wife’s feelin’ bad. It jest gets her down and seems to mess up her days. I’ve watched it all thru our marriage, so I know what I’m a’sayin’ to be true....
A Bleeding Bottom Lip is Better Than Smelling Skunky
We’ve all had to be around them. Usually, everyone has one or more in the family tree – hopefully a good way away from your own particular branch. But even if you are fortunate enough to not be situated in close proximity to Cousin Crabby – you probably still get the...
The Runaway
Needing play-around money, as all teenagers do, three industrious farm boys decided to create their own hay-hauling crew one summer. So they made a plan. One boy would drive as another loaded the hay, while the third teen would stack it onto their borrowed truck. Very...
Stomp on the Brakes Before it’s Too Late
Have any of you ever seen a time like our world is in lately? Some part or another of our planet has suffered through horrifying events in recent years. Earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, enormous tornadoes, lightning ignited fires, devastating floods and droughts....
A Five-Hour Feast Yesterday is No Help Today
The couple sitting in the counselor’s office had been married over forty years. They had weathered financial setbacks, the rearing of two children, moving from city to city due to job changes, and countless marital disagreements. But they had finally hit their last...
No Bowl of Cherries on Anyone’s Table
Ever had your heart crushed by a loved one who broke a promise? Or found that a dear friend wasn’t as trustworthy as you had been led to believe? Are you one of the millions in the work force who was promised that certain position – and then heard through the company...
Make Your Problem…Your Problem
While out walking around enjoying the crisp fall weather one evening, we decided to go to a local coffee shop for a hot drink. Renie found an empty table while Andy ordered for both of us. He is very aware that she has a definite issue with caffeine, it can cause a...
Worse Than a Dead Man Needing a Coffin
Ever received a frantic phone call from someone needing help? Out of nowhere in a dazzling blue sky, that swiftly moving thunderstorm of need rolls in over your nice quiet afternoon. And the peaceful rhythm of the day is suddenly set to an uneven beat. Reverend Sammie...
What You See May Not Really Be There
Andy is a typical early riser. Meaning he is usually up, dressed and sitting at the desk in his office by around seven every morning. Which causes him to see the sun began to filter cautiously thru the blinds and get stronger as morning passes. One such morning, he...
Cowards and Brave-Hearts
Have you ever made an enemy? Someone who not only detests you, but actually would love to see the ground open up and swallow you. While they laugh and annihilate everything that used to be yours.
Boundaries… Necessary Pain
Face it, our floors here in the Midwest get freezing cold in the wintertime. So cold that you really can’t just ignore them. “I’ll just mosey into the kitchen in my bare feet and get me a cup of coffee and make myself a sandwich. It’s only minus 15 degrees on my tile...
Whoever Finds This, Please Love Me
Years ago, songwriter Mac Davis penned the lyrics to a song about a tiny orphan girl who evidently longed to experience being loved. In the song, “WHOEVER FINDS THIS, I LOVE YOU” she writes a note containing those words, and it into the wind. A lonely old man...