by Andy & Renie Bowman | May 12, 2022 | Communication, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Relationships, Wisdom
Yep, it’s been a really tough few years for everyone. In just about every possible conceivable way. Financially, physically, and emotionally, and it hasn’t really mattered how old or young you are – life has stunk in a lot of ways. And this horrible onslaught of...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Apr 28, 2022 | Communication, Faith, Personal Growth, Relationships
You actually did it. You won the election. Or in the last second, you sunk the shot that won the game. Or your business was named in the top ten in your category this year for growth. Maybe, you actually got ol’ Ms. Fussbudget to laugh during English class. Or just...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Apr 14, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Wisdom
Saw a quote recently that needs to be read by more people: “There are only two decent places for dirty laundry; the clothes hamper and the washing machine.” Very accurate. Seems social media is the favorite place for some folks to air their dirty laundry. Personal...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Mar 3, 2022 | Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
We’ve all had to be around them. Usually, everyone has one or more in the family tree – hopefully a good way away from your own particular branch. But even if you are fortunate enough to not be situated in close proximity to Cousin Crabby – you probably still get the...