CoffeeTime Articles
Funeral Set For Tuesday
Why is it so hard to put your spouse first, without expecting anything in return for your absolutely selfless kindness and generosity…sigh? (Yep, I have my tongue tucked way back in my cheek on that one.) I’m pretty sure you heard about the lady who told her husband...
Moms Do Shape The Future
On Mother’s Day, this article comes from Andy: One of my favorite memories is from the earlier years of our marriage, when our two sons were just beginning elementary school age. During those years, we often traveled in a van all over the eastern half of our country,...
I Got This!
Our family traveled a lot years ago, singing on Sunday morning in churches in another states. Back in those days, when you attended church you were expected to dress more formally than is accepted today. Therefore this entailed having to pack suits, ties, and dresses,...
Don’t Make What Isn’t Good Even Worse
Ever been caught in a situation where your say-so doesn’t carry enough weight to make a difference? When you totally disagree with the decision, but there isn’t much you can do to change what’s coming? I can hear the resounding ‘Oh Yeah!’ from every reader. So, what...
Speeding in the Fast Lane
After many years of neglecting his family, a hard-working successful salesman finally took his wife on a date. Unfortunately, very conscious of the time he was ‘wasting’, he frequently checked his watch. Fed up with his inattentiveness, she finally confronted him over...
OUR Child is Absolutely Perfect!
Some years, and quite a few Coffeetime Columns ago, we wrote an article called Hellion Alert. It was about Andy recounting a true incident of eating lunch in a restaurant where a small, undisciplined child was wreaking havoc while the mother ignored it all. When...
I Wasn’t Told- Were You?
Every Easter there I would go, racing across the yard at my parents’ home. Trying to beat my little brother to all the brightly colored eggs that were hidden everywhere. Fun – you bet. Competitive – I can still remember whining because he found more than me. Family...
Green Grass, Fences and Septic Tanks
Ever had the opportunity to spend any time on the farm or simply drive through the countryside? If so, you probably watched horses and cows grazing in pastures, and likely you have noticed something. These animals do not like to stay where they were placed by their...
Are Men Really Just That Blind?
Andy was preparing his own lunch that day. Renie wasn’t feeling well, so he was on his own. He decided he would open up a can of soup, add a few crackers, and he’d be just fine. The rest of the story, according to him… “Put soup in bowl, heat in microwave. Add...
Winter Storms, Hell and Heaven…
The weather men warned us. Over and over. An extreme Arctic front was coming, bringing harshly cold temperatures and freezing precipitation. Now, as one of our Midwest’s standing jokes indicates, we all are aware that our weather forecast can be just a little...
Andy & Renie Are Expecting!
Recently we had the opportunity to have lunch with a young newly married friend whom we haven’t seen in a few months. After the usual banter and light gossip about the lives of mutual friends, we asked about his life now that he had been a husband for a while. His...
Andy’s Wheat Jeans, A Girl, And Johnson Grass
The little rural church always held its annual summer Bible School for kids. Each mid-morning, loud and boisterous honyocks were let outside for a few minutes for snacks and exercise. Balls were tossed around, and various games played until their exhausted teachers...
Faceplant in the Snow
Andy stepped outside after the recent huge snow storm in our city to meet our postman halfway. Our street was too clogged with snow and ice for him to navigate safely, so our mailman had wisely parked his van at the end of the street. Then this valiant servant of our...
Shady Deals and That’s Good Enuff’
Familiar with it? The phrase, “Hey, I know a guy who can…,” usually said to you about the time you have thrown a plumbing wrench clear across the kitchen. Referring to a man you can trust to fix the job you just botched–and do it honestly and perfectly. Someone who...
Stand Your Ground Sweet Lady
Mrs. Ava Average turned into the crowded parking lot of her local department store and finally found a parking space. After locking her car door, she headed rapidly toward the entrance, intent on finishing up quickly and beating the crowds back onto the congested...