CoffeeTime Articles
Are Men Really Just That Blind?
Andy was preparing his own lunch that day. Renie wasn’t feeling well, so he was on his own. He decided he would open up a can of soup, add a few crackers, and he’d be just fine. The rest of the story, according to him… “Put soup in bowl, heat in microwave. Add...
Winter Storms, Hell and Heaven…
The weather men warned us. Over and over. An extreme Arctic front was coming, bringing harshly cold temperatures and freezing precipitation. Now, as one of our Midwest’s standing jokes indicates, we all are aware that our weather forecast can be just a little...
Andy & Renie Are Expecting!
Recently we had the opportunity to have lunch with a young newly married friend whom we haven’t seen in a few months. After the usual banter and light gossip about the lives of mutual friends, we asked about his life now that he had been a husband for a while. His...
Andy’s Wheat Jeans, A Girl, And Johnson Grass
The little rural church always held its annual summer Bible School for kids. Each mid-morning, loud and boisterous honyocks were let outside for a few minutes for snacks and exercise. Balls were tossed around, and various games played until their exhausted teachers...
Faceplant in the Snow
Andy stepped outside after the recent huge snow storm in our city to meet our postman halfway. Our street was too clogged with snow and ice for him to navigate safely, so our mailman had wisely parked his van at the end of the street. Then this valiant servant of our...
Shady Deals and That’s Good Enuff’
Familiar with it? The phrase, “Hey, I know a guy who can…,” usually said to you about the time you have thrown a plumbing wrench clear across the kitchen. Referring to a man you can trust to fix the job you just botched–and do it honestly and perfectly. Someone who...
Stand Your Ground Sweet Lady
Mrs. Ava Average turned into the crowded parking lot of her local department store and finally found a parking space. After locking her car door, she headed rapidly toward the entrance, intent on finishing up quickly and beating the crowds back onto the congested...
Song and Dance on the Battlefield
A young couple was deeply involved in the timeless dance of married couples since the first union, and I am not referring to sex. This was the dance of war. Each had taken a rigid angry stance on opposite sides of their ballroom. In fact, the battle for this...
Renie’s First Motorcycle Wheelie
When Renie was a young teenager, she worshiped her older brother. Willing to do anything to get his attention, she would follow him around endlessly, much to his irritation. The year he moved away after graduating high school left her impatiently waiting for his...
Quit Hiding Behind a Mask
Several years ago, Andy contracted an illness that landed him in the isolation unit of our local hospital for two weeks. Visitors had to wear a mask, gown and gloves. He commented later that those weeks of seeing no expressions on faces caused a strong feeling of...
Really Stepped In It This Time
It was an absolutely beautiful brisk fall morning, and Sam just couldn’t resist making his trek to the downtown bank on foot, normally done by car. Some exhilarating fresh air, and much-needed exercise, plus the chance to greet any friends who had the same idea of...
Keep Digging With a Smile
Six-year-old Johnny longed for, prayed and dreamed about getting a pony for his birthday. In his eyes, he truly NEEDED a pony. Uncle Jim knew all about Johnny’s dream. But he also was very aware of the prohibitive cost. Being a realist, he despised the weak, hopeful...
Just Don’t Do It
Accustomed to spending Christmas Day packed with beloved family, or close friends? Or a mixture of both, in a free-for-all party of fun and food? Now it is true, most of us do have a person who is a – um – least favorite relative, but we tolerate even them on that...
Run That Fool Mule
Growing up on a small farm, Andy and his dad worked some long hours together. But sometimes they just relaxed, “sittin,’ spittin’ and whittlin’, as his dad called it. Those times were more than the obvious conveyed by the name. Dad used them to teach his son tidbits...
Are You a Quarterback or a Receiver?
The son was finishing a very successful senior year as quarterback for his high school’s football team. Recruiters from America’s top football programs came to the family’s humble home to make their appeal for Danny to attend and play for their college. Among them was...