by Andy & Renie Bowman | Sep 1, 2022 | Communication, Faith, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Everybody has heard that cliché. I am saying something a little different. Don’t use all those eggs in your basket just for you – using your gifts and abilities only for your needs and wants. “I take care of me, and eva’body else needs to take care of...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Aug 25, 2022 | Communication, Family, Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationships
Mrs. Johnson took her little boy with her when she stopped by her neighbor’s home to deliver a casserole for the grieving widow. Mr. Cline had died suddenly and the community was rallying to aid and comfort his grieving wife. Getting ready to leave after a short visit...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Aug 18, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Faith, Personal Growth, Wisdom
The boy sure had learned some choice words, no doubt about it. In the school room, on the playground, and at home, he kept getting into trouble on a regular basis for his rather colorful way of expressing his thoughts and feelings. Making it worse, his friends often...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jul 28, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Andy has always said that his dad, whom I never had the privilege of meeting, was a fairly mild-mannered easy-going guy. Respected and well-liked in his rural community, a boys’ baseball coach, and a church-goer – seems he had a friendly word for everyone. Even when...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jul 21, 2022 | Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
While watching tv the other night, a commercial came on that got my attention. Yeah, that’s right. Believe it or not, an ad that was worth watching. In a closeup of his face, the owner of a local business was speaking directly into the camera. And lo and behold, he...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jun 8, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Family, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Husband has had a horrible time at work that day. Feeling kicked around, unappreciated and definitely out of sorts, he pulls into the driveway, only to find that his three-year-old has left her tricycle blocking the garage door… again. He leverages his tired body out...