CoffeeTime Articles
Exhaustion is Not the Time to Make Heavy Decisions
We had been traveling non-stop for three straight weeks. It had been one different bed after another – and Renie is simply not someone who deals well with that scenario. Even though the work trip had also afforded us a fun chance to visit some cousins who live in the...
Spoiled Child = Self-Centered Adult Later
Growing up in a large family, with very little income, usually doesn’t create a kid who is spoiled by having all the finer things in life. In fact, sometimes it can mean that a child lives without having some of the physical essentials of living – food, water and...
Preacher, Now You Said Somethin’ Worth Clappin’!
A few years ago, we had a guest preacher in our church one Sunday morning. Several of his congregants also were there in support of their beloved pastor. In the middle of his sermon, suddenly one of the visiting ladies lunged to her feet and began applauding. The...
One Day We’re Gonna Do It!
The young husband meant it when he told her, “We will, I promise. We’ll go. But honey, right now is a really bad time. The farm is needing so much money put into it, we just can’t go right now. But I promise, ONE DAY WE’RE GONNA DO IT.” She sighed softly, but she...
Broke Betty Portrays Sophisticated Sandi
Saw a movie this summer. Titled “Mrs. Harris Goes To Paris.” If you have already seen this film, then you know its premise. If not, then never fear, I don’t intend to spoil it for you by revealing the plot or the ending. But I do want to make an observation. After...
Are Excuses Like Hineys?
As a student did you ever use this one? “But, teacher, I promise, my dog ate my homework!” Or telling your mom, “I didn’t think we should, but she made me!” Or just the plain old standby that works every time, “I just forgot, I’m sorry.” Ever had a teacher or your dad...
Plan, Execute and Enjoy… In the Right Dose
Renie wanted a gorgeous new flower garden. So she spent some time picking the brain of a college educated agriculturalist. A man who had spent years as a high school teacher in that field. Plus, for the last ten years after retirement, he and his wife had a “hobby” -...
I Just Usually Back Up ‘Till I Hear Glass
By seven in the morning, we are usually out for our daily walk. One day we were about halfway through our route, walking on the sidewalk of a lovely tree-lined neighborhood. As we approached the next house in front of us, we watched as a car pulled slowly and...
Don’t Put All Your Eggs Into One Basket
Everybody has heard that cliché. I am saying something a little different. Don’t use all those eggs in your basket just for you - using your gifts and abilities only for your needs and wants. “I take care of me, and eva’body else needs to take care of themselves. No...
Sometimes You Just Need to Help Them Cry
Mrs. Johnson took her little boy with her when she stopped by her neighbor’s home to deliver a casserole for the grieving widow. Mr. Cline had died suddenly and the community was rallying to aid and comfort his grieving wife. Getting ready to leave after a short visit...
Hearin’ Your Stinkin’ Thinkin’
The boy sure had learned some choice words, no doubt about it. In the school room, on the playground, and at home, he kept getting into trouble on a regular basis for his rather colorful way of expressing his thoughts and feelings. Making it worse, his friends often...
Goofballs, Bullies and The Rest of Us
Ever wonder why goofballs walk this earth? You know them, not a serious thought in their head for more than fifty-eight seconds at a time. They believe that life is a playground, and they need to enjoy each and every ride that exists. And taking on a serious role,...
Creative Coping – Not a Good Thing
The man had a heart attack. His cardiologist then told him he had to walk at least forty-five minutes daily, the rest of his life. So off he went, just like the mailman – rain, sleet, snow, or burning sun. Walking became a regular part of his days. Then he began to...
Hammers, Pigs and Cows Can Make a Farmer Cuss
Andy has always said that his dad, whom I never had the privilege of meeting, was a fairly mild-mannered easy-going guy. Respected and well-liked in his rural community, a boys’ baseball coach, and a church-goer – seems he had a friendly word for everyone. Even when...
Don’t Plant Peas and Expect Spaghetti
While watching tv the other night, a commercial came on that got my attention. Yeah, that’s right. Believe it or not, an ad that was worth watching. In a closeup of his face, the owner of a local business was speaking directly into the camera. And lo and behold, he...