CoffeeTime Articles
Song and Dance on the Battlefield
A young couple was deeply involved in the timeless dance of married couples since the first union, and I am not referring to sex. This was the dance of war. Each had taken a rigid angry stance on opposite sides of their ballroom. In fact, the battle for this...
Renie’s First Motorcycle Wheelie
When Renie was a young teenager, she worshiped her older brother. Willing to do anything to get his attention, she would follow him around endlessly, much to his irritation. The year he moved away after graduating high school left her impatiently waiting for his...
Quit Hiding Behind a Mask
Several years ago, Andy contracted an illness that landed him in the isolation unit of our local hospital for two weeks. Visitors had to wear a mask, gown and gloves. He commented later that those weeks of seeing no expressions on faces caused a strong feeling of...
Really Stepped In It This Time
It was an absolutely beautiful brisk fall morning, and Sam just couldn’t resist making his trek to the downtown bank on foot, normally done by car. Some exhilarating fresh air, and much-needed exercise, plus the chance to greet any friends who had the same idea of...
Keep Digging With a Smile
Six-year-old Johnny longed for, prayed and dreamed about getting a pony for his birthday. In his eyes, he truly NEEDED a pony. Uncle Jim knew all about Johnny’s dream. But he also was very aware of the prohibitive cost. Being a realist, he despised the weak, hopeful...
Just Don’t Do It
Accustomed to spending Christmas Day packed with beloved family, or close friends? Or a mixture of both, in a free-for-all party of fun and food? Now it is true, most of us do have a person who is a – um – least favorite relative, but we tolerate even them on that...
Run That Fool Mule
Growing up on a small farm, Andy and his dad worked some long hours together. But sometimes they just relaxed, “sittin,’ spittin’ and whittlin’, as his dad called it. Those times were more than the obvious conveyed by the name. Dad used them to teach his son tidbits...
Are You a Quarterback or a Receiver?
The son was finishing a very successful senior year as quarterback for his high school’s football team. Recruiters from America’s top football programs came to the family’s humble home to make their appeal for Danny to attend and play for their college. Among them was...
Just Sick and Tired
Back in the ancient days of Fred Flintstone and no cell phones, when he was a young dad and a wet-behind-the-ears pastor, Andy had a habit. No, not a habit like we refer to today. But he unconsciously used a certain phrase – constantly. “I’m sick and tired of…” was...
Deep Seat and a Tight Hold
January 2020 gave no indication just how rough a ride it was going to get for everyone on this planet. We had fairly-run-of-the-mill problems and successes the first couple of months. Little did we innocents suspect what was just around the corner - come March. But...
In a Fizz
While working in my front yard the other day, I noticed the mailman zip past our house without stopping. Not too unusual and my only thought was, “Evidently had no mail today.” But just a few minutes later here he came again, from the other direction. Our neighborhood...
How To Simply Not Live
A few years ago, we were introduced to a book titled “HOW NOT TO DIE” by Dr. Michael Greger. This physician wrote an excellent book chock full of advice for keeping your body as healthy as you can, for as long as possible. We recommend it to anyone who is seeking to...
Whaddya Mean – I Owe Money?
When Andy was an eleven-year-old boy, he and his eight-year-old brother decided they were old enough to buy some calves to raise. This meant feeding, watering and daily maintenance - freezing temperatures or blazing sun, all of it was still going to be their...
It’s Hot Back Here!
Years ago, when we were a family of two young boys with their Mom and Dad, we traveled quite a bit. Either headed to a church where Andy was scheduled to speak, or leaving to come home. And rarely did we get all four doors closed or the motor started, before we heard...
Doug’s Dog-Dipping Days
If you have ever wanted to ask a couple how they have successfully stayed married for many decades, then this story is for you. In our column a few weeks ago, you read a story from Doug and Joan, who have been weathering the storms of life together for over 50 years....