by Andy & Renie Bowman | Aug 14, 2024 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships
The funeral for Evan’s brother-in-law had concluded two hours ago. And now a small group of grieving family and friends were gathered in Evan and Shaylie’s home to share memories, laughter, tears, and encouragement. The front door opened again. Nothing unusual about...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Aug 7, 2024 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
You stepped out there and thoroughly blew it, and you knew it. All you could do was apologize. Knowing you were wrong you went ahead…you said “I’m sorry.” But the apology you have offered seems to fall way short of the mark. Somehow it just doesn’t have your intended...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jul 31, 2024 | Communication, Family, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
You grew up together. Fought over who got to ride the newer bicycle and who would have the bigger bedroom. Laughed at the same old TV cartoons while inhaling your morning ration of Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with sweetened milk. Made fun of each other unmercifully. Griped...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jul 10, 2024 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Oh yeah, Brenna was furious! No doubt about that. Absolutely amazing how the very air around her sizzled, and at the same time, made every nearby feel like they had just stepped into a sub-Arctic meat freezer. The words blazing from her firepit-mouth could strip a...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Jul 3, 2024 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Ever been looked squarely in the eyes and bluntly told you are a bitter, angry person? Probably not. After all, who in their right mind wants to be within twelve feet of a bear and throw heavy stones at that huge, furious mass of muscle and bone? Nobody wants to face...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Apr 3, 2024 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Family, Parenting, Relationships, Wisdom
Back in the ancient days of Fred Flintstone and no cell phones, when he was a young dad and a wet-behind-the-ears pastor, Andy had a habit. No, not a habit like we refer to today. But he unconsciously used a certain phrase – constantly. “I’m sick and tired of…” was...