by Andy & Renie Bowman | Nov 23, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Personal Growth, Self-Care, Wisdom
Honestly guys, how much sense does dodging shadows make? Can shadows themselves inflict harm? Nope, and in the respect of inflicting actual harm, shadows are just like fear. Fear can make you dread and dodge, but fear itself cannot create the physical harm. But what...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Nov 16, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Faith, Personal Growth, Wisdom
While out walking we met, greeted, and walked on past a lady who suddenly tripped over the little dog scampering at her feet. Causing her to fall face first on the hard street surface. Hearing the commotion, we quickly returned to find her obviously in pain from...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Nov 2, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Marriage, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Oh, go ahead and go for it. Depend on someone else to make you feel worthy, important and likable. Hang on to their every word and gesture as indications of whether, or not, you deserve to take another breath of air on this planet. Ignore the fact that they have their...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Oct 27, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Marriage, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
We had been traveling non-stop for three straight weeks. It had been one different bed after another – and Renie is simply not someone who deals well with that scenario. Even though the work trip had also afforded us a fun chance to visit some cousins who live in the...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Oct 19, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Family, Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
Growing up in a large family, with very little income, usually doesn’t create a kid who is spoiled by having all the finer things in life. In fact, sometimes it can mean that a child lives without having some of the physical essentials of living – food, water and...
by Andy & Renie Bowman | Oct 5, 2022 | Cautionary Tale, Communication, Marriage, Parenting, Personal Growth, Relationships, Wisdom
The young husband meant it when he told her, “We will, I promise. We’ll go. But honey, right now is a really bad time. The farm is needing so much money put into it, we just can’t go right now. But I promise, ONE DAY WE’RE GONNA DO IT.” She sighed softly, but she...