Beware: Hellion Alert!

The preschool –aged boy suddenly screamed like Beelzebub himself was after him. Recently Andy was having a quiet lunch alone in a local restaurant in a small Oklahoma town. The place was pleasantly filled with patrons, all quietly talking with companions at their...
Just What Snakes Do

Just What Snakes Do

Do you remember the tale of the fellow who was walking down the road in front of his house one bitterly cold morning? He came across a small half-frozen poisonous snake lying beside the pavement. Calling out in a weak voice the reptile asked for help, “Please sir, I...
Sandlot Optimism

Sandlot Optimism

The stranger in the tiny town walked up to the sandlot baseball field to watch a group of loud and excited ragtag boys playing a pickup game of baseball. After a few minutes of listening to the crack of the bat, watching the ball sail over the heads of the...

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