Winter Storms, Hell and Heaven…

Winter Storms, Hell and Heaven…

The weather men warned us. Over and over. An extreme Arctic front was coming, bringing harshly cold temperatures and freezing precipitation. Now, as one of our Midwest’s standing jokes indicates, we all are aware that our weather forecast can be just a little...
Andy & Renie Are Expecting!

Andy & Renie Are Expecting!

Recently we had the opportunity to have lunch with a young newly married friend whom we haven’t seen in a few months. After the usual banter and light gossip about the lives of mutual friends, we asked about his life now that he had been a husband for a while. His...
Faceplant in the Snow

Faceplant in the Snow

Andy stepped outside after the recent huge snow storm in our city to meet our postman halfway. Our street was too clogged with snow and ice for him to navigate safely, so our mailman had wisely parked his van at the end of the street. Then this valiant servant of our...
Shady Deals and That’s Good Enuff’

Shady Deals and That’s Good Enuff’

Familiar with it? The phrase, “Hey, I know a guy who can…,” usually said to you about the time you have thrown a plumbing wrench clear across the kitchen. Referring to a man you can trust to fix the job you just botched–and do it honestly and perfectly. Someone who...

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