CoffeeTime Articles
The “I Just Love That Ol’ Boy” Dude
Recently we were in a lot of different churches, where we were introduced to a bunch of people and made a lot of new friends. Met a lot of smiling, friendly folks – but also a few who probably wouldn’t remove their frown if they were standing in front of Jesus, face...
Swinging for Fences and Settling for Singles
The batter is warming up on deck – meaning he is the next one to come to the plate to face the pitcher. The man on the pitching mound is known for sinking the dreams of wannabees - the homerun hitters who have to be willing to settle for simply getting on base and...
Let Me Say This! !*&^%+%7*&(ijokjr^%rgyj!!
For anyone, reading and understanding the title of this column is pretty impossible. The reason is plain – I just closed my eyes and pressed random keys, so it makes absolutely no sense to anyone. Why? Because I wanted to make a clear illustration of my point: If a...
Here, Hold My Rope
Susie and her older sister went for a walk on the country road near her home. As they stepped onto the arched bridge that spanned a rushing creek, Susie stopped midstride. Her sister, not realizing she was now alone on the bridge, just kept walking and talking about...
These Tough Men Are Rare
Seems my own version of ‘tough men,’ are rarely found any more, and the modern version of tough men are weak in comparison. Politically, today the phrase characterizes a person who fights for the causes he believes will benefit his people – or likely himself....
Fortune Tellers Don’t Even Know Your Name
They seem to be everywhere in any town you drive through. Signs promoting the services of a local ‘TAROT CARD READER,’ ‘FORTUNE TELLER,’ and ‘PALM READER’ seem to be on every block. Look online and there are also the online psychics - the “Call me, and I’ll tell you...
Wrong Place and Time, But Totally Innocent, Of Course
You and I hear them, the stories of people who insist they are totally innocent of any wrongdoing. Yet they are definitely identified as being at the scene of the crime, in the company of the criminals. How does that happen? Realistically, how often does a person just...
Nothing Fun About It, Usually
“I am not stupid! Ignorant maybe, but certainly not totally stupid.” The rallying cry of most of us. Everyone feels better when they have at least a little bit of knowledge concerning what they are doing. That’s why starting a new job can be nerve-wracking. Why...
Better Learn to Hold Your Holt
You’ve lived long enough to have heard a bunch of tired cliches and old sayings, I know. One of Andy’s favorites from an old friend is this; “Better hold your holt.” His meaning? Hold your holt…holding on for dear life to your faith in God. No matter what you are...
Don’t Live There, Just Visit Once
Most people have a bad habit. Nah, I don’t want to hear about your overeating- cigarette smoking- drug taking- lying- stealing- cheating, or tantrum throwing lifestyle. Moronic as those things are, everyone has another even more idiotic talent that we indulge. Yep,...
How to Start Your Own War
We all have done it. Whether we deliberately intend to speak those words, or they just kind of slide out when our mouth opens. But things that we should’na said are suddenly floating there in the air for someone else to digest. Then we live with the consequences....
I’ll Do It Later… Much Later
Everyone knows how to procrastinate – including me. I decided about two months ago to write this column. Finally, today I had to force myself to sit down and begin. Why? Why do we humans put off doing what we know we need to do? From what I have observed, the animal...
Flagged, Bagged and Tagged
Saw the movie “THE JESUS REVOLUTION” yesterday. Amazing how seeing scenes and hearing phrases from decades before can instantly transport a person back in time. I was a young teenager living in rural Oklahoma during the years of the Jesus Revolution. Very isolated and...
Toddler Armed and Ready
The little preschool-age girl, living on the farm with her siblings and parents, lived in constant fear of going outside to play. The reason for her terror? Their male goose (called a gander for those who are not up to snuff on geese) thought it great fun to chase the...
Dad & Mom… Their Kids Are Mirrors
Kids, even the adult versions, display the effects of the greatest influences in life…their parents. It can show up in being a mirror image of a parent, becoming similar in actions and reactions. Or it can have the opposite effect. Sometimes, a person may decide that...