CoffeeTime Articles
Families Falling Apart
Generation Z. Young adults that older generations have a difficult time understanding. And a generation that, in turn, holds a lot of contempt for the lifestyles of generations before them. Boomers, as a whole, see adulthood as something that should be lived from this...
Fear, Dismay or Plain Panic
Ever sit around and wonder ‘Just what is the difference between fear, dismay or panic?’ Well, now that you have brought up the subject, let me give you my illustration of the differences. Fear – when you have a tiny baby in your care. You are totally responsible for...
Holding a Grudge- When is Long Enough?
Jim and Nick had been neighbors for years. Not necessarily close friends who knew each other’s daily habits and dislikes, but friendly enough. Except when Jim did something that got under the skin of his neighbor. Which, unfortunately happened more than once in those...
50 Plus 50 Can Equal Zero
The young lady had fallen in love. Radiant with happiness, she absolutely glowed like a softly lit Christmas tree. The young man she loved so deeply had recently admitted he felt the same. She floated through her days on air, waiting for the moment when he would pop...
Sick of Being the Last Part Over the Fence
It’s not exactly a terrific ego-booster to forever be ‘the belly’ – the body part that doesn’t clear the fence last, but still, you’re not the tip end of the nose that always goes first, either. Can make a person feel pretty mediocre at times. Whether it’s on the job,...
It Just Don’t Work That Way, Dummy!
*Be continually grouchy with your family and expect them to love, honor, and want to be around you. *Demand miracles from your staff at work and expect total loyalty from them – and to just love working for you. *Be a Christian who consistently gives God less than He...
Bathing in Shame Just Leaves You Feeling Dirty
We all know how it feels to have done it. We wanted to be brave, but at the last minute we pulled up stakes and ran for the hills. Our self-preservation the only thing on our chicken-liver minds. Then we spend the rest of our life beating ourself up for not saying or...
Feelings Just Outright Lie to Their Owner
Have you noticed that in these recent years, you really can’t believe anything anymore? If you see a photo on the internet, it’s most likely been doctored. Photoshop creates its own reality. Hear someone talking and you are absolutely convinced that you know who owns...
Idiotic Behavior
Cheating – taking what you didn’t earn. Yeah, that’s a real self-esteem builder. “I’m not brainy enough or strong enough to do it myself, I have to ‘borrow’ from someone else.” Stealing – So, you are the squirrel that doesn’t bother finding your own nuts. You’d...
Boiling a Toad is Only Fun for the Boiler
Do this one. (If your spouse is a bit squeamish, then best accomplish this without them being in the kitchen) Catch a live toad. Fill a large pan with cool water and place the pan on the stove. Put the toad in the pan and then turn the burner on to low heat. The...
Customer Service- A Lost Art
“Customer Service” - the belief that every person walking in through the door of the store needs to be treated as vital to the financial life blood of that business. When did it become “Customer To Be Tolerated Or Ignored?” Why have customers seemingly become a...
The USA – Endlessly Loved and Protected
Our country. Home sweet home. The United States of America since 1776. To us citizens, it is the best country in the world. At least, to the citizens who still believe in the values of our great, great, great grandparents’ ancestors who started this country years ago....
Attack Mode-Angry Male
My husband was walking recently on a sidewalk near our home, when he saw a male who was definitely not in good humor, coming toward him. The dude was quite a bit smaller in size, weighed a lot less, and would be no match if they were to get into a physical fight. But...
Don’t Make Your Kid Burn Down Your Barley Field
Being a dad involves a definite fact. Your kid craves and needs your attention. Some do more than others, but make no mistake, every child from your loins needs you to want to spend time talking and being together. To know what he enjoys, and also to be very aware...
Want More Energy? Get Angry
Listless, undriven? Feel like you need a motivation just to get out of bed or roll off your couch? One sure-fire way to feel a spark of enthusiasm and vinegar that courses through your mind and body is to feel abrupt uncontrolled anger. Suddenly your body comes alive,...