CoffeeTime Articles
Better Version of Getting Older
Like so many of us, I have a lot of my family and friends’ birthdates in my phone’s calendar, and I have it set to notify me when a loved one’s birthday is on the horizon. I prefer to tell myself that “I have so many family members now, and combined with all my...
If Nothing Else, Salute The Uniform
Andy was once approached by two of his church members, military men, who asked him to become an Army chaplain. As such, his military rank would have required them to salute him. In amusement, he mentioned that fact. Their laughing response? “Remember, Pastor, we are...
Valuable Garbage
Blackened old banana peels, egg shells, used coffee grounds, moldy grapes and dried-up orange skins. The diet of champions. Loaded with antioxidants and nutrition, and guaranteed to make the body healthier. And so appealing to the eye. Just makes you drool at the very...
Beware of Forcing Your Mate to Compete
The young man’s bride of a whole six months waltzed dramatically into the den to show off her new outfit. But engrossed in the college football game of his alma mater, he never took his eyes off the screen. Slightly miffed, she moved in front of the tv to force him to...
Instruction Manual? Nah, Don’t Need It
Men. The very first species of human-kind that the Creator made, and with absolutely no instruction manual to show Him how. The Bible says God made Man “in His image.” I have to wonder - is that why men are so reluctant to read the instruction manual, or stop and ask...
It All Starts With a Stand-Off
Husband has had a horrible time at work that day. Feeling kicked around, unappreciated and definitely out of sorts, he pulls into the driveway, only to find that his three-year-old has left her tricycle blocking the garage door… again. He leverages his tired body out...
Does the Almighty Creator Ever Make Mistakes?
Tough one. When you think of babies born without arms or legs. You witness hardened criminals allowed to go scot-free, over and over again. A war perpetrated against a country who has not committed crimes that would warrant that action. People drawn in to drug...
Stupid Expects Change – With No Changes
It is not an intelligent idea to ignore pain. If you have pain, or had pain in the past – physically, mentally, emotionally, maritally, financially, or any other ‘-ally,’ - there is a reason. Be smart and deal with it. Readers, ARE YOU LISTENING TO WHAT YOU ARE...
Hosting a Tiny Scary Guest
While visiting for a few days on a beautiful farm in the mountains recently, we always went walking every day. Those eight hundred acres were covered in large trees, meadows, and had a briskly rolling gorgeous little creek within a ten-minute stroll of the farmhouse....
The Pain and The Healing of the Wounded
Yep, it’s been a really tough few years for everyone. In just about every possible conceivable way. Financially, physically, and emotionally, and it hasn’t really mattered how old or young you are – life has stunk in a lot of ways. And this horrible onslaught of...
Think You Married Wrong?
Extroverts. You likely wake up and crave to “just be around somebody today.” You need that in-the-same-room-with-me feeling that only real human bodies can give. Extended alone time gives you a lonely, ‘left out of the loop’ emotion within. Pure happiness for some...
Own It- It’s Yours
You actually did it. You won the election. Or in the last second, you sunk the shot that won the game. Or your business was named in the top ten in your category this year for growth. Maybe, you actually got ol’ Ms. Fussbudget to laugh during English class. Or just...
Tiny Tyrant Never Been Spanked – And It Shows
Little kids. Lovable to the parent, easily spoiled. Easily become insufferable to others.
Facebook Shouldn’t Be a Dirty Laundry Bin
Saw a quote recently that needs to be read by more people: “There are only two decent places for dirty laundry; the clothes hamper and the washing machine.” Very accurate. Seems social media is the favorite place for some folks to air their dirty laundry. Personal...
See & Be – That is a Lie
A man was put under for a medical procedure. When he awoke, he asked the nurse attending him, “Is it all over, am I okay?” She assured him that yes, it was over, he was just fine and all was well. He then said, “Oh, good. Tell me, will I be able to play the piano?” To...