Life, Relationships, Faith & Family

Andy & Renie Bowman share their thoughts and wisdom from years of marriage, ministry and parenting.

Read the CoffeeTime column by Andy & Renie Bowman in dozens of Newspapers each week!

New Book – Just Released!

Get your copy of Andy & Renie’s new book, Don’t Plant Peas and Expect Spaghetti: A CoffeeTime Collection, today! 

A curated compilation of their most popular columns, this book is intended to make you think, make you smile and inspire you to live your best life. 

It will make a great gift for a loved one in your life, and will also be an excellent addition to your home.


CoffeeTime Podcast

CoffeeTime is a weekly dose of wisdom, inspiration and encouragement from popular writing and speaking team Andy & Renie Bowman. Join them as they share authentic and relatable stories and discussions that will touch your heart and awaken your spirit.

Don’t Miss an Episode! Subscribe to CoffeeTime in your favorite podcasting app!

Scattergun Your Anger and Regret It

Oh yeah, Brenna was furious! No doubt about that. Absolutely amazing how the very air around her sizzled, and at the same time, made every nearby feel like they had just stepped into a sub-Arctic meat freezer. The words blazing from her firepit-mouth could strip a...

It’s Really Hard to Like You

Ever been looked squarely in the eyes and bluntly told you are a bitter, angry person? Probably not. After all, who in their right mind wants to be within twelve feet of a bear and throw heavy stones at that huge, furious mass of muscle and bone? Nobody wants to face...

It Takes Courage to Be a Loser

Losing is not for the faint-hearted. It takes its toll on your mind, your emotions, and your body, no doubt about it. It literally takes a champion at heart to lose, because you have to have a lot of courage to face the battering of your self-esteem. And your...

Don’t Be a Superhero

Don’t kid yourself. You ain’t ever gonna be that strong, that good, or that important! To anyone in your world. No matter how hard you try, or how great you believe that you are. In fact, that attitude can cause you to wear yourself out trying to be the Grand Man In...

Happy Father’s Day to All ‘Real’ Fathers

Father’s Day has rolled around again. Hmmm…do I write about the importance of Dad in every kid’s life? Giving every daddy-loved adult who reads this the warm fuzzies as they relive and remember how Dad was present and accounted for, as they grew up? But pour boiling...

Divorce in Your Rear View Mirror

You may have been racing to get out of your marriage. Couldn’t hardly wait until your signature was still wet on that divorce decree. Maybe. Maybe not. Instead, maybe you were one of those spouses who fought desperately to hold on to your marriage, but lost it anyway....

CoffeeTime Articles

Read through the articles from Andy & Renie Bowman that have been syndicated weekly in newspapers across the country as the CoffeeTime column. These articles use humor, wit and wisdom to share timely insight into realtionships, personal growth, parenting and faith.

Speaking Engagements

Andy & Renie would love to speak at your church or event! Click the button below for more info or to begin the booking process.

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